2019 Belated (!) Gardening resolutions

I drafted this on New Years Day – and forgot I hadn’t posted it! Life has got in the way for a few weeks. Just as well I didn’t include a resolution to regularly write (& publish!) blog articles.

I took on my allotment last April so 2019 will be my first full year – assuming I make it through to the end! This seems an appropriate time, as I plan my plot (or plot my plan!) for the year to make some gardening resolutions. So here for 2019 are my 19 resolutions….

  1. Reclaim and reconstruct my Polytunnel – had great plans for this winter but would be happy to get it back in place in time for Spring sowings etc
  2. Continue to develop and fill my lasagna beds so ready to plant in Spring.
  3. Complete layout of paths with addition of wood chips and add more chippings to existing paths
  4. Sort out seeds into monthly sowing order (today!) and resolve to keep tidy and organised throughout the year
  5. Complete garden planner and check measurements etc as I finalise positions of beds and paths. Resolve to maintain the planner and update with any changes of locations of planting – I lost a few plants this year 😉 Use to plan second crops and intercropping.
  6. Resolve to accurately label seeds and plants – at all stages of the growing process. All brassicas look the same to me until they start to reach maturity!
  7. Reduce use of plastics – reuse any existing plastic pots, seed trays etc but do not purchase any more or (difficult one here!) purchase any more plants in plastic pots. Maybe take planting bags if attending a plant sale? Continue use of wooden plant labels. Not sure how to address issue of plastic cover on polytunnel other than ensuring longevity by repairing any tears speedily and using heat protectors on framework (have some old rubber bicycle inner tubes to try rather than purchasing tape which may contain plastic derivatives but also costs money!)
  8. Reduce costs by recycling as many materials as possible – scrounging and foraging for plant stakes, timbers for structures, window frames for use as cold frames etc. And of course composting any food waste, cardboard, leaves etc generated at home and also from friends and neighbours.
  9. Reduce long-term costs and workload by planting as many perennials as possible. Develop an area of food-forest on the plot and try to source as many plants from swaps and cuttings as possible.
  10. Save seeds from as many crops as possible – beans, peas, tomatoes etc Reduce the number of new seeds purchased so saving a few £££
  11. Erect shed – make functional for storage of tools etc
  12. Encourage more wildlife including pollinators, natural predators etc by growing flowering plants, companion plants, bug hotels, and a wildlife pond.
  13. Use Garden journal regularly to keep track of what sown/planted etc
  14. Record weight of harvested produce – to enable tracking and comparison in future years
  15. Make home-made pesticides from soap etc and use regularly against pests
  16. Sign up as a mother garden with Food Forest Brum and pledge to share cuttings of perennials I am trying together with surplus annual veg plants.
  17. Volunteer regularly with Stirchley Fruit & Nut Village – to learn skills, contribute to planting trees and forest garden in area and make new friends.
  18. Photograph plot and write regular blog articles about my allotment and other growing activities
  19. Take time to sit and enjoy the sound of the bees

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