2019 review – the year I nearly lost the plot!

At the start of last year I made 19 allotment resolutions for 2019 – the year didn’t go according to plan (hence my failure to post any updates since March!) but wasn’t a complete failure. Before I post my plans for 2020 I thought I should revisit my resolutions from 12 months ago and see how many (if any) I managed to achieve.

So here they are with my current comments interspersed:

  • Reclaim and reconstruct my Polytunnel – had great plans for this winter but would be happy to get it back in place in time for Spring sowings etc

Ooh this is better than I hoped!  I’m starting with one I can tick off as done!  With help from plot neighbour Dave – well to be honest I just stood back & gave encouragement – the frame was fixed back in January, moved back to my plot and the cover refitted at Easter. And then refitted again a few days later after a Spring storm!  But it was only in early July that I managed to get beds set up inside, filled with compost and tomatoes and peppers I’d grown from seeds planted out.  I later added aubergine, cucumber and tomatillo plants that I’d had to buy in after my seedlings failed – long before they got to the tunnel. From an empty shell almost overnight it turned into a veritable jungle – and I had successful crops of tomatoes, cucumbers and tomatillos. We’ll gloss over the failure of the peppers and aubergines


  • Continue to develop and fill my lasagna beds so ready to plant in Spring.

A half tick on this one – one of the difficulties was finding enough material to add to the beds. I do save all of my kitchen waste (usually via a bokashi bin) & have also added leaves and weeds/old plants but still needed to top up with bought in compost -at a price. So filled a 3-4 this way and gave me some crops but still have another few that are still empty. 

  • Complete layout of paths with addition of wood chips and add more chippings to existing paths

Back in March I was making good progress with this as there were quantities of wood chips on site and I was taking several barrowloads each time I was there – but so were other folk so the pile soon diminished.  Did cover some new areas but sourcing new supplies of wood chips (preferably for free!) is  a current priority as my need has increased. 

  • Sort out seeds into monthly sowing order (today!) and resolve to keep tidy and organised throughout the year

A two part-pledge and I achieved the first part but have sadly failed on keeping them organised throughout the year. I ended up with seeds everywhere as moved them from home to shed to allotment etc. And finally a disaster when a leak in my polytunnel ruined about a dozen packets in an open container 😦

  • Complete garden planner and check measurements etc as I finalise positions of beds and paths. Resolve to maintain the planner and update with any changes of locations of planting – I lost a few plants this year 😉 Use to plan second crops and intercropping.

Oh dear – more good intentions!  Limited time and headspace – mainly as a result of the acquisition of Carrot (a dog not a pet vegetable!) have led me into haphazard plantings and not sticking to my plans. But even more problematic has not been recording accurately where I have planted out seedlings.  Note to self – must do better!

  • Resolve to accurately label seeds and plants – at all stages of the growing process. All brassicas look the same to me until they start to reach maturity!

Almost a tick for this one – I diligently labelled all seedlings and kept good control whilst they were in my shed and lean-to at home. But have had some problems on the plot – either because I’ve lost labels or because I seem to have failed to always use a permanent pen on my wooden labels. 

  • Reduce use of plastics

I do reuse all my pots and have also used old yoghurt pots etc. Also made some pots out of newspaper (they do dry out v quickly!). Still using wooden plant labels – cheapest ones I’ve found are sold as tongue depressors! 

  • Reduce costs by recycling as many materials as possible.

A big tick on this one. At times my plot has looked like a junkyard with all the foraged items I had accumulated from abandoned plots and also the school next door which is being refurbished.  Still need to convert some items into usable structures.  And I compost everything I can. Could do more perhaps to get compostable material from neighbours – they seem to give me some and then stop! Do acquire cardboard for mulching on a regular basis- can get some from a nearby shop but transport has been a little difficult lately. 2019-02-02 Foraging with bike trailer.jpg

  • Reduce long-term costs and workload by planting as many perennials as possible. Develop an area of food-forest on the plot and try to source as many plants from swaps and cuttings as possible.

A work in progress! In April I took on another half-plot next to mine and my intention was/is that I would treat this as my perennial food forest area and use my existing plot for the polytunnel, annuals etc. It all started well as the site had allegedly been cleared of brambles but I turned down the offer of rotavation as I strongly suspected there would be many roots of perennial weeds and brambles still in situ and rotavating would just spread them further.  But before I could get the ground covered I took a decision that has had a major impact on my capacity to cope with my plots – at least in the short term. I adopted a rescued lurcher, who has been appropriately named Carrot, and hopefully in time will be an excellent allotment companion. But I had seriously underestimated how much input he would need in terms of training.  For much of the summer I could neither leave him home alone nor can I get much done on the plot when he’s with me.   And the result has been that the brambles are back!  And so are many weeds including bindweed and docks. I am now having to arrange help and support to allow me to tackle these but its hard work and could have been avoidable if I had got ahead of myself with this new plot and could have spent some money on coverings. 

  • Save seeds from as many crops as possible – beans, peas, tomatoes etc Reduce the number of new seeds purchased so saving a few £££

I did sow some seeds that I had saved last year – with mixed results!  A few tomatoes,  but failures with a pepper and squash. Some germination but then failure as seedlings. 

Have saved peas – Kent Blue and Roi des Conserves – from this years crop and also  beans and tomatoes and tomatillos.


  • Erect shed – make functional for storage of tools etc

Still awaiting construction of a base!!!!   A priority for 2020

  • Encourage more wildlife including pollinators, natural predators etc by growing flowering plants, companion plants, bug hotels, and a wildlife pond.

Do have some flowers – marigolds, nasturtiums, sunflowers, borage etc which are good insect attractors. No bug hotels yet. And my pond is in (slow!) progress! In return for not having half-plot rotavated I cheekily asked contractors on site if they could scoop out a pond for me – which they duly did.  It has filled up with rainwater which doesn’t drain out due to the clay subsoil so I haven’t yet got around to reshaping and modelling it.  And it is now surrounded by weeds and brambles. 


  • Use Garden journal regularly to keep track of what sown/planted etc

Have used my journal irregularly since Carrot came into my life – and the planner too. Am trying to get back on track. 

  • Record weight of harvested produce – to enable tracking and comparison in future years

Ha ha!  Initially no harvests worthy of weighing.  And now not organised enough to do so.  Will look at how to start doing this – maybe with specific crops eg tomatoes, potatoes rather than every lettuce leaf.


  • Make home-made pesticides from soap etc and use regularly against pests

Did this one!  Made a spray from soap & used it on blackfly on broad beans. Possibly helped although seemed to get a rust infection afterwards. Cinnamon to deter ants has not worked well so tried nematodes in polytunnel with mixed results.

  • Sign up as a mother garden with Food Forest Brum and pledge to share cuttings of perennials I am trying together with surplus annual veg plants.

Not done this yet – still on back burner

  • Volunteer regularly with Stirchley Fruit & Nut Village – to learn skills, contribute to planting trees and forest garden in area and make new friends.

Started off well with tree planting and a grafting workshop but arrival of Carrot hampered this one. 

  • Photograph plot and write regular blog articles about my allotment and other growing activities

Most I’ve managed are a few tweets and photos on instagram. Since Carrot arrived I’ve been under so much pressure just to do something when on the plot that I haven’t had time or capacity to take many photos. And its looked such a mess! Hopefully will start to improve in 2020!

  • Take time to sit and enjoy the sound of the bees

I’ve barely noticed the bees – although the ants are another story! But as I start to get back on top of the overgrown areas hopefully will be able to  find solace once more. 


So a some successes – and a few failures or put on hold for now. What the above doesn’t mention is the impact of my role on the allotment committee during a year when the council were implementing major works including construction of a new road and installation of a clubhouse and storage sheds.  It had a major impact both on the actual time it took but also on my stress levels and the sense of enjoyment I had on the site. Thankfully the work is now (allegedly!) complete and in 2020 I should be able to give more time to my own plots.

Garlick maketh a man wynke, drynke, and stynke

Having only taken over my plot in April I didn’t have much time to research garlic varieties last year & being in a hurry to get something in the ground I just picked up a bag of an unnamed variety in my local garden centre – I did have a crop but nothing to rave about and chose not to save any cloves for replanting.  Of course I now realise that I should have had them planted out much earlier and am much better prepared this year.

So back in the autumn I gave it a little more thought although also gave considerations to cost (which I’m not slightly regretting!). Anyway, for a named variety I opted for Lautrec White, a hardneck type, because I’ve never eaten garlic scapes and decided the best way to get some were to grow and harvest my own. Why Lautrec white? Simply because it came across as being one of the best tasting garlics – and taste has to be top of my list of desired features for any crop. I am a little concerned though that it isn’t partial to damp conditions being as my plot was pretty sodden when I took it on – hoping the raised beds I’ve put it will keep it out of the worst of the flooding! My economy purchase was a 500g bag of assorted softneck varieties from Simply Seeds.  I thought this way I could sample a  number of varieties without being completely overrun – but the downside is I may not be able to identify my favourite post harvest, hence my slight regret. And although not a true garlic I have also planted Elephant garlic – some from Simply Seeds and some other cloves I picked up at the Malvern Autumn show although I omitted to make note of the seller/grower.  And finally I have purchased for planting in spring some wilder types of garlic including Crow garlic, allium vineale, from Norfolk Cottage Gardens and Ransoms, allium ursinum, given to me by a friend, Other garlic flavoured plants I already have include garlic chives Allium tuberosum, and society garlic, Tulbaghia violacea.


I’m looking forward to seeing how they all turn out next year but meanwhile have been reading a little about garlic heritage.

“Garlick maketh a man wynke, drynke, and stynke” – or so said Thomas Nashe in The Unfortunate Traveller first published in 1594. It seems that garlic has, in the UK, waxed and waned in popularity over the centuries. The fact that the name by which it is widely known originates from the Anglo Saxon word gārlēac, suggests that it was known in Britain from ancient times.  (If you are interested in more on the etymology of this and other herbs and spices I can recommend Gernot Katzer’s Spice pages but don’t blame me if you lose yourself in it for a few hours!) Another disliker of garlic was John Evelyn who described it thus in Aceteria: A Discourse of Sallets

Garlick, Allium;  Whilſt we abſolutely forbid it entrance into our Salleting, by reaſon of its intolerable Rankneſs, and which made it ſo deteſted of old; that the eating of it was (as we read) part of the Puniſhment for ſuch as had committed the horrid’ſt Crimes. To be ſure, ’tis not for Ladies Palats, nor thoſe who court them, farther than to permit a light touch on the Diſh, with a Clove thereof, much better ſupply’d by the gentler Roccombo

But despite his objection to its use in salads he is apparently credited with being a promoter of ‘enriching salads by rubbing garlic around the dish as the Brahmins did’.

Luckily garlic seems to be undergoing a renaissance, helped by growers in the UK and North America (& elsewhere) who are once again introducing us to the wide range of varieties available to both grow for ourselves or to consume.  I’m certainly looking forward to discovering more for myself about the nuances of flavour from those I am trying out in 2019.

PS I came across a great piece of writing about garlic and its cultural and emotional associations in a essay by Stephanie Susnjara published in Creative NonFiction in 2006. It’s available to read on the Jstor website which you can sign up to for free and read a limited number of articles.

Jan/Feb sowings

When it’s cold or wet outside there’s a limit to the amount of time I want to spend on the plot on preparation of beds or other infrastructure projects.  And lack of forethought and loss of my polytunnel in the autumn mean that I don’t have a lot to harvest – now limited to cavolo nero, celeriac and parsley! So what other gardening related tasks are there that I can use to distract me from work?

I spent some time cataloguing my seeds (I’m a tad nerdy!) and then decided the best way to store them would be in order of their sowing dates. So I made 12 dividers that would fit into my storage box and dropped in the seed packets in the appropriate month for first sowings. For crops that I want to succession sow as soon as I’ve made a sowing I can just refile the packet in the following month and then it’ll be good to go again.

Last year I didn’t take on my plot until 1st April and had only known for certain a couple of weeks before that I was getting one so my early sowings were both not very early but also a little haphazard and not planned.  I was then somewhat thwarted by a very wet April and a badly drained plot so didn’t get the best start.  I’m hoping to be more organised this year and ready to go just as soon as I can.

I am a tad nervous about starting seeds in January and February in case they end up too far advanced before the weather is kind enough to plant them out. But hopefully my polytunnel will be finally in place and will provide a temporary home even for those crops destined to be grown outside in my raised beds or borders.  But as I’m also nervous at my ability to successfully germinate and grown on young seedlings by starting early it gives me time for second sowings if/when the first ones fail. But one of the main reasons for wanting to start early is simply one of logistics – I don’t (yet!) have any heated propagators so my seedlings live on my kitchen windowsill and my spare bedroom. If I can get some of them ready to move on into the polytunnel or my garden lean-to before the main sowing months of March and April it will ease the pressure on limited space.

So what did I sow in January and have planned for this month?

January sowings:

  • Babington’s Leeks
  • Leeks – Musselburgh, Stocky F1
  • Aubergine – Rosa Bianca and Black Beauty
  • Goji Berries
  • Kale – KX-1
  • Caucasian Spinach/Hablitzia Taminoides
  • Peas – Kent Blue, Charmette

February sowings:

  • Peppers – California Wonder, Unicorn, Grueso de Plaza, Bendigo
  • Chilli Peppers – Padron, Early Jalapeno, Hungarian Wax
  • Tomato – Brandywine Black, Purple Ukraine, Chadwick Cherry, Iraqi Heart-shaped, Green Zebra
  • Hops
  • Peas – Kent Blue, Roi des Conserves
  • Broad Bean – Karmazyn
  • Red Orach
  • Broccoli Raab
  • Celeriac – Monarch, Giant Prague
  • Shoo Fly Plant
  • Tiger Nuts
  • Parsnip – student (trying these in loo roll inners)
  • Welsh Onion
  • Crow Garlic
  • Beef & Onion Plant (Toona Sinensis)
  • Asparagus
  • Flowers – Aquilegia, Hollyhock, Echinacea, Cosmos, Zinnia

Most of the above are destined to be grown to fruition (hopefully!) on my allotment plot but some will go into pots in my garden.  My front garden is very neglected and is mainly covered with small slates so not much growing. I’d like to get some more pots of flowers and maybe even some edibles out there too.

When it comes to sowing seeds I am still unsure as to how many to sow. I am still (overly?) enthusiastic about trying out lots of different varieties and hopefully giving myself an all-year harvest.  So I may only want to grow small numbers of each type of plant but it seems hard to only sow 3 or 4 seeds of each type.  So I’m not going mad with vast numbers of seeds but am probably growing more than I need if they do all germinate and grow on to suitable plants for planting out.  But my intention would be to pass on to fellow allotmenteers & other growers. I may even get some swaps – and then have to try and squeeze them. But all that’s looking ahead. For now I’m just feeling content starting to see my windowledges filling up and the first few shoots from my January sowings.




A growing addiction?

Laid up with a bad back recently (an unfortunate cycling-related injury – something went twang as I stood up after locking it up!) I decided to have a go at sorting out my seeds. Before I knew it I had opened up Access and was putting together my very own seed inventory and database – how nerdy is that?  I was somewhat horrified to discover that I had over 120 types of seeds – is this usual?

Allotment database

I did only take on an allotment in April last year so I seem to have accumulated these packets in a fairly short space of time. And they don’t include the empty packets from varieties that I grew and used up all the seed this year.  So where did they all come from? And what am I going to do with them all? Surely I can’t find space to grow that many varieties – and if every seed was viable I would have enough for a large market garden.

In my defence I didn’t buy all of them. My neighbour gave me quite a number of packets surplus to her requirements – many of them ‘free gifts’ with various gardening magazines. They were either varieties she didn’t like or types of vegetables that she had no interest in growing. I’ve had a few given me as presents – including a couple from my son after visits to a Cornish garden and Kew gardens. And they do include some seeds I saved myself last year – including two types of tomato I grew in the garden, pepper seeds from a green pepper my neighbour gave me to taste, french, runner and field beans I harvested on the allotment and several types of squash from fruit I’ve purchased from my local farmers’ market. But the majority I have bought myself either online from a variety of seed companies including small independents such as Real Seeds, Incredible Vegetables, Tamar Organics and Norfolk Cottage Gardens; or from garden centres and some bargains from the Malvern Autumn Show. Plus my six choices and a surprise freebie from my first selection from the Heritage Seed Library.

As I’ve added each type of seed to the database I have also been allocating space to the crop on my garden-planner. And adding the particular variety and any notes about it to the plant list.  I intend to use the growing chart the planner produces as I probably couldn’t produce anything as good, let alone better, from my own database.

Allotment Planner

I’m reconfiguring some of the layout of my plot to allow for the hopeful restoration and resiting of the polytunnel and in the hope that I will finally get my shed erected. And I am trying to use the data about planting and harvesting dates to make some sensible decision about succession planting to make the most of the space and number of beds I have available.  But trying to find suitable spaces for the sheer numer of varieties I really want to try is proving challenging! And I do have a nagging question at the back of my brain about how many vegetables I can actually eat! And fairly soon I will have to face the very vexed question of just where am I going to find space to get these seeds started – they’re not all going to fit on my kitchen window sill 😉

Is this normal – or am I becoming a secret hoarder of seeds? Am I making a newbie error behaving like a kid in a sweetie shop? Will I regret the error of my ways when I start looking closely at the sow-by dates? Answers on a postcard please….. 😉



Giving peas a chance…

For someone that doesn’t normally eat a lot of peas I seem to suddenly have a lot in my seed stash for planting in 2019. I do have childhood memories of eating peas straight out of the pods on my Mum’s allotments and enjoying them this way much more than eating them cooked and served with my Sunday lunch a couple of hours later. In later life shelling them seemed to be a bit of a faff and why bother when you could either have mange tout or sugar snaps – or frozen peas. And I do like a tub of mushy peas with my fish ‘n’ chips 😉

I didn’t have much success this year – possibly due to the hot weather – with the varieties I grew: Charmette (dwarf petit pois), Rosakrone (tall)  and Golden Sweet (Mange tout), all from Real Seeds. The latter was particularly attractive though and did crop for a long time even though I indulged my inner child and very few pods made it home 😉 I still have seeds of all these varieties left over and will give them all another try.


To these I have added Roi des Conserves from D T Brown. This is a tall variety and as the name suggests is for canning or for saving as dried peas. I was also taken by a couple of varieties on offer through the Heritage Seed Library: Kent Blue, which can be eaten as a mange-tout or allowed to mature; and Parsley pea, which produces a mass of tendrils and so I will be growing primarily for pea-shoots. And then to add to my collection the ‘freebie’ surprise packet of seeds from the HSL was yet another pea! Doug Bray of Grimsby is another tall variety producing regular peas.

So a variety of types which should give me a continuous harvest for several months – and will also provide some beautiful flowers to rival some of my neighbours sweet peas with the bonus of an edible crop too 🙂


Selection of pea products from Hodmedod
Selection of pea products from Hodmedod

My first order from Hodmedod came this week and I must have had peas on the brain because amongst the items I ordered are a selection of pea related lovelies: Tinned and dried Carlin peas, Kabuki marrowfat peas, roasted peas (horseradish flavoured!) and yellow pea flour. I shall probably have a go at sprouting (& possibly growing on ) the marrowfat and Carlin peas just to see what happens. Watch this space!





A new Kale

I made a rare visit to my local garden centre last week as I had a couple of vouchers to use and was passing by anyway.  Not a lot I particularly needed but didn’t want to miss out on £7 worth of vouchers which were due to expire the following day. Scoured the Manager’s reduction shelves & was almost tempted by some winter pansies but opted instead for a marjoram plant for £1 and then some reduced sedums (I do occasionally buy some inedible plants!) as I already have a few and wanted a few more for a planned display next year.

I tried to avoid the seeds but my eye was caught by a sign which said “plant now” and this piqued my curiosity. The display included a few microgreens and winter lettuces, none of which took my fancy but there was also a red kale with the unprepossessing name of KX-1. Sold by Thompson & Morgan it promised ‘attractive kale for baby leaf and full maturity’ and priced at £2.49 (£2.99 on their website). Interestingly the packet gives different growing instructions than the website – the packet suggests sowing under glass or indoors from October through to March for use as baby leaves. A bit of scouting around online I discovered that this is, as I suspected from the lack of a more descriptive name, a newly developed variety, originating in the US and developed by Vilmorin North America and now being grown in the UK to meet the demand for kale for bagged salads for supermarkets. And also with added nutritional benefits as it has much higher iron content even than spinach – and apparently in a more easily digestible form. So an enhanced superfood!

So definitely unlike the heirloom varieties I’m normally attracted to. But I will be planting them and growing on my kitchen windowsill this weekend – and should be starting to pick them in 35 days as baby leaves. And if they look as attractive as on the packet they’ll help to brighten up a dreary January day. Watch this space….

Late Autumn happenings on the plot

Hard to believe we’re into November already! Where does the time go?  But even though the days are shortening and the temperatures dropping I’ve been finding lots of opportunities to visit my allotment plot and have been reaping the rewards of earlier plantings whilst getting lots of prep done for next year.

I’m still harvesting lettuce – Morton’s Secret Mix from Real Seeds IMG_20181020_174614– taking a few leaves at a time from each plant.  Throughout the summer I’d had no success at all despite several sowings but by September my last sowing had germinated and despite a slow start finally produced a decent crop and the plants are still going strong. This mix includes Reds, greens, brights, darks, splashes, blushes, crisps, butters, leafs, heads, and tongues. The mix is really attractive in a salad and all of them are tasty.I’m harvesting a bag full of leaves about once a week. Surprisingly they last really well in the fridge – much better than a commercial bag of salad despite them probably being in a protective atmosphere (at least until the bag is opened!).

I’ve been able to supplement this late summer crop with oriental greens – particularly img_20181028_174508_829mizuna and with some mustard greens too.  I was intending to make some successional sowings but haven’t gotten around to it (yet!) But if the mizuna keeps producing as well as it is at the moment maybe it’ll keep me going all winter….

I’d originally planted it in a bed in the polytunnel but once that had blown away I just put a fleece over it.  I can’t quite believe that a thin fleece can do much to stop freezing temps – I’d need one more than a few microns thick! – but it will keep off pests including the local pigeons. And the plants are supposed to be frost hardy anyway.

The beans and tomatoes are almost a distant memoryimg_20181028_174631_940 now although I do still have some from my garden ripening on the kitchen windowsill. I’m not a huge fan of chutneys (have to confess I prefer Branston pickle) so will wait for them to ripen gradually. I do fry some of them green and have with a breakfast fry-up.

Although not a huge radish lover I’m hoping to be converted by different varieties, especially not I’ve discovered that cooked in a stir fry they img_20181103_180338_974actually taste quite pleasant.  So I’ve tried some Spanish black radish

I’ve not had a huge success with my brassicas although some are now coming on.  Despite being netted they have suffered some insect damage and now seem to have a whitefly infestation – do they not get killed by the cold?

I’ve had a couple of small broccoli spears and one slightly manky cauliflower. But the Cavolo Nero is looking good and I’ve started harvesting it by taking a few leaves each week.  There are a few cabbages which are starting to heart up and I even discovered some tiny sprouts starting to form – maybe they’ll be ready for Christmas? 😉

It was Halloween this week and I had managed to grow one pumpkin!  I’d picked it a couple of weeks ago whilst still green and had hoped it would ripen and go orange by 31st but it was still mainly green. I did do a very last carving to put outside for trick and treaters.

But my daughter’s creative skills put my feeble efforts to shame – and will provide a much longer lasting autumnal decoration.

Autunmnal decorated patty pan squash
Autumnal decorated patty pan squash

I’ve planted garlic and elephant garlic together with onions to see how they overwinter. And also field beans as a green manure on a couple of beds. Not too worried about the cold but am concerned about how wet it might be given that my plot was very sodden when I first took it on. I’m hoping that using raised beds will keep them out of the worst of the floods.

But I am disappointed about my leeks img_20181103_134003which have been infected by the dreaded allium leaf miner. The green leaves showed no signs so I was unaware of it until I harvested a couple of stems last week.  So I’ve now harvested them all and disposed of any infected material. And so instead of a crop that I hope would keep me going over winter, I’ve been left with a few usable remnants that might just be enough to make me cup-of-soup!  And of course, I am also a tad worried in case the bugs get onto my young garlic or onions. I’d planted elephant garlic in a gap in the leek bed but following the discovery of the ‘miners’ thought I should move them before they got too established.  But furtling around in the soil to find them as they don’t have any green growth yet I was surprised to discover how much root growth they had put on. I didn’t feel I wanted to disturb them as they were doing well so decided to take a chance on leaving them in situ and will cover them with mesh to prevent any later infestations.

So all in all a bit of a mixed bag on the production side but I am pleased with the progress I’ve made on prep for next year already.  I’ve set up several more raised beds using the lasagna bed methodology. Layers have included cardboard, horse manure, semi-rotted compost, green and kitchen waste and leaves.  I’ll top up with a layer of compost when I’m ready to plant them.  I’ve sown a couple with a green manure mix and another with field beans which I’ll possibly chop as a green manure but may be tempted to leave to produce a crop.

And I’ve planted a few perennials – currant and gooseberry bushes, Daubenton’s Kale and asparagus and moved the strawberry bed.  So a productive month in many respects.

Will be concentrating now on prep for my first full gardening season in 2019; getting my shed built and hopefully salvage the polytunnel.  And sorting out my already large seed collection and filling the gaps from the ever-growing stash of catalogues piling up by my desk.



Malvern Autumn Show 2018

I’ve been happily snapping away this year on my allotment and elsewhere and thought I’d have a go at putting some of the images together into a video format – if only because I want to teach myself a bit more about how to create videos for future projects.

So here, for anyone interested is my first small effort showing images from a recent trip to the Malvern Autumn Show.  If you’ve never been I can strongly recommend it.  I went with my sister and her only complaint – there was too much to see! So we’re definitely going back in the Spring to see what is on offer there.

Video from the Malvern Autumn Show 2018


And because I omitted to include it in the video here is a pic of my favourite exhibit at the Show – a Giant tortoise! So much nicer than the freak show of the giant vegetables;-)
